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Guest Accommodation & Activities Association Plettenberg Bay
Eco-Tourism in Plettenberg Bay

The Elephant Sanctuary The Elephant Sanctuary provides a safe-haven for six African elephants and offers guests interactive elephant experiences. We specialize in up close and personal educational tours. Our focus is on interaction, so our guests do not only learn a lot about elephants, they also get to touch, feel, feed, walk trunk-in-hand and even ride these magnificent animals.
Ocean Blue Adventures Nothing beats the thrill of enjoying the beauty of South Africa's most majestic bay on a sea-kayaking trip in Plettenberg Bay. You will be accompanied by the abundant wild life including dolphins, whales, cape fur seals and numerous sea birds.
Ocean Blue Adventures Sea Kayaking with a qualified guide to Robberg Nature Reserve and the seal colony. River Cruise on the Blue Lounge up the Keurbooms River in absolute luxury - full bar on board
Ocean Safaris Welcome to the world of Ocean Safaris.………………………………………………..
Being an environmentally conscious eco-marine operation, we conduct all our cruises with a strict code of conduct while promoting observation and conservation.
Scenic, whale watching and charter flights from Plett Airport (10 km / 12 minutes from Plett Central).

The world's largest single-span aviary (larger in size then Britain's Millennium Dome or the Eden Project), Birds of Eden provides a better life for more than 3,000 previously-caged indigenous and exotic birds. Birds of Eden aims to become home to the world's largest collection of African birds in a free-flight aviary (at Monkeyland: 18 km / 20 minutes from Plett Central).

Rent a canoe in the Keurbooms River Nature Reserve - laze your way up river between high craggy rocks and deep verdant forest. A perfect opportunity for birding - nearly 300 bird species call the Garden Route 'home' (Keurbooms River Jetty: 3 km / 5 minutes from Plett Central).

The rich marine life of Plettenberg Bay makes for excellent diving and snorkelling and two local companies offer dive charters and advice on where to snorkel:
  • Beacon Isle Adventure Centre (in the Beacon Isle Hotel 3 km / 5 minutes from Plett Central);
  • Diving International (on Central Beach: 2 km / 2 minutes from Plett Central),
A popular and easy snorkelling trail has been laid out in the sea in the Tsitsikamma National Park. Africa's oldest marine reserve, set up to protect the unique coastal environment where cold and warm currents meet and mingle to create an immensely rich variety of underwater species, Tsitsikamma National Park lies 60 km / 50 minutes from Plett Central.

The legacy of the Knysna Elephant lives on at the Knysna Elephant Park, where young, orphaned animals can be seen in a controlled, free-range environment. Here visitors may touch and feed the elephants (Knysna Elephant Park - 10 km / 10 minutes from Plett Central).

Both Ocean Safaris and Ocean Blue offer marine safaris from Central Beach - three to four times a day, seven days a week (depending on sea and weather conditions). These 2 hour-long tours begin with an exhilarating beach launch and life jackets, windbreakers and refreshments are provided.

Minke Whales, orca (killer whales) and Bryde's whales can be seen throughout the year - as can dolphins, Cape fur seals and many other marine mammals. The migratory whales appear during 'Whale Season,' though - and between June and November you'll be sure to see southern right and humpback whales when they come to the shallow, protected waters of Plettenberg Bay to mate and calve (Central Beach boat launch site: 2 km / 2 minutes from Plett Central).

This unique primate sanctuary - the world's only multi species, free roaming primate sanctuary - is home to animals from several continents. The primates here were all originally bred in captivity or held captive prior to their release at Monkeyland. Visitors may enjoy guided walking safaris. Next door to the Birds of Eden free-flight aviary (16 km - 20 minutes from Plett Central).

See rhino, leopard, giraffe, zebra, buffalo and kudu - as well as other big mammals and more than 150 species of birds in their natural environment at
  • Buffalo Hills Game Reserve & Lodges (15 km / 25 minutes from Plett Central);
  • Rhino Base Camp (25 km / 35 minutes from Plett Central).

Plett is surrounded by nature reserves and National Parks - which is Perfect, because it means you'll find many well-maintained hikes and short walks scattered throughout the area.
  • The Robberg Nature Reserve is by far our most popular walking destination, with three trails to choose from - ranging from 45 minutes to 5 hours (9,2 km) in length. Guided tours are also available (Robberg: 10 km / 10 minutes from Plett Central).
  • Other walks include Kranshoek, Garden of Eden, Nature's Valley, Wittedrift, Milkwood Trail (all within 20 km of Plett Central) and the various trails in the Tsitsikamma National Park (70 km from Plett Central).

Forest outrides and horse trails are available (stables: 15 km / 15 minutes from Plett Central. Horses are not allowed on beaches in Plett).

There are about 6 km of navigable waters in the Keurbooms River Nature Reserve and a number of picnic spots next to the river with secluded beaches where you can spend your day swimming, tanning, fishing - or, Perfectly - just doing nothing. To experience the beauty of the reserve:
  • Join Keurbooms River Ferries for a relaxing 2½ hours; or
  • Hire a motorboat from the Angling Club to explore the river on your own.
    (Keurbooms River Jetty: 5 km / 7 minutes from Plett Central).

Kayaking - the Perfect way to explore Plettenberg Bay. You'll see whales, dolphins, seals and sea birds and a lot more besides. And, of course, there are a number of rivers to be explored, too... (Central Beach boat launch site - 2 km / 2 minutes from Plett Central).


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