Guest Accommodation & Activities Association Plettenberg Bay
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Perfect weather, perfect beauty, perfect atmosphere - that's Plett Perfect. Perfect for exploring - and perfect, too, if you just want to laze around doing nothing at all.

Surrounded by nature reserves and National Parks, Plett is Paradise for nature-lovers. Whale and dolphin watching, birding and walking, kayaking, cycling - whichever way you choose to enjoy nature, it's Perfect in Plett.

Here's our recommended selection of the best things to do:

  • Eco-tourism

    Eco-tourism means seeking out wild and scenic areas (like indigenous forests or our mother ocean) for active and educational tours that benefit the visitor, the environment and the people who live in the area... And that makes Plett Perfect for eco-tourism.
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  • Extreme Sport

    Anything that involves adrenaline-pumping action - speed, height, apparent danger, spectacular stunts, challenging yourself and pushing your limits - that's an Extreme Sport... And that makes Perfect sense in Plettenberg Bay.
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  • Golf

    The Garden Route offers many challenging and outstanding golfing opportunities on numerous championship golf courses. With so much to offer, the Garden Route really is Africa's Mecca of Golf... And that Makes Plett the Perfect place to tee-off.
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  • Hiking trails

    The Plettenberg Bay region is surely home to one of the finest collection's of hiking trails in the world. This is where the coastal platform narrows on the Garden Route , bringing the mountains near to the sea.
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  • Beaches

    The first time you see Plettenberg Bay, the first thing that'll strike you is an endless stretch of beach, empty and unspoiled. And when you look more carefully, you'll find a number of safe swimming spots that are, quite simply... Plett Perfect.
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  • Other

    Want more information on shopping, restaurants, spa, the arts, etc.?
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