Guest Accommodation & Activities Association Plettenberg Bay
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The Plettenberg Bay GAA has 4 catagories of accommodation:
Bed and Breakfast accommodation is usually provided in a family (private) home and the owner/manager lives in the house or on the property. Breakfast is usually served. Bathroom facilities may or may not be en-suite and/or private. In general, the guest shares the public areas with the host family.

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A Backpacker and/or Hostelling establishment is an accommodation facility that provides communal facilities, including dormitories yet may offer a range of alternative sleeping arrangements. Only establishments that cater for transient guests (travelling public) will qualify for grading.

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A Country House is a large Guest House, usually situated in natural, peaceful surroundings such as near a nature reserve, a forest, a lake etc. It offers all the services of a hotel, including dinner.

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A guest house is either a converted house, manor, etc adapted to accommodate overnight guests or it may be a purpose built facility. A guest house is run as a commercial operation and is often owner-managed. A guest house has public areas which are for the exclusive use of the guest. The owner/manager either lives off-site, or in a separate area within the property.

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A lodge is an accommodation facility located in natural surroundings. The rates charged are usually inclusive of an experience offered at the lodge, viz game drives, battlefield tours, etc. In general, food and beverage services are provided for all meals. The accommodation grading process will only grade the hospitality aspects of Lodge operations and not the experience...

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A house, cottage, chalet, bungalow, flat, studio, apartment, villa, houseboat, tents or similar accommodation where facilities and equipment are provided for guests to cater for themselves. The facilities should be adequate to cater for the maximum advertised number of residents the facility can accommodate.

View Self-Catering accommodation...
A hotel provides accommodation to the travelling public, has a reception area and offers at least a "breakfast room" or communal eating area. In general an hotel makes food and beverage services available to a guest, though these may be outsourced or provided by the hotel...

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